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A Theatrical Art

Spirit possession is a central practice of the Mother Goddess religion. In Vietnamese, it is called len dong, len meaning “to rise” and dong meaning “a possessed medium,” or hau bong, hau meaning “to serve” and bong referring to a spirit or shadow. Len dong is a complex, theatrical ritual involving supernatural forces. While spirit possession is recognized as a dramatic, theatrical performance, it is not just a folk play. It functions as a representation of Viet culture. Len dong is performed in a temple or before an altar of a private shrine. Spirit possession is accompanied by costumes, using colors to indicate the spirits, as well as music and relics. The ritual begins as a séance, during which mediums perform and spirits descend, taking possession of the mediums and interacting with observers.

When mediums refer to themselves as seats for spirits to sit upon, they refer to the practice of len dong. During these performances, mediums are possessed by certain spirits and take on the mannerisms, ways of speaking, and personalities of these spirits. This showcases how direct Mother Goddess worship is. Rather than praying to a distant spirit, members of this religion can commune directly with the spirits they need to speak with.

Spirit Possession: Project
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